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DOEE Enforcement Dashboard

Enforcement & Compliance Database (ECD)The Enforcement Dashboard is an interactive map that allows people to explore Notices of Infraction (NOIs) issued by DOEE.

An NOI notifies people or entities (respondents) that DOEE has determined that they have violated a District law or regulation (that is, committed an infraction) and assesses a fine. The Dashboard also contains data about the citation and the specific regulation associated with the infraction.

The Dashboard homepage indicates the date range of the data displayed. It is a snapshot of the NOIs issued and their status as of the date the data was downloaded. It is not updated continuously.

DOEE also issues notices of violation, administrative orders, and directives; revokes and modifies DOEE-issued permits and licenses; and refers cases to the District’s Office of the Attorney General or U.S. EPA for civil or criminal enforcement. These enforcement actions are not shown on the map.

- Enforcement Dashboard

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