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Backyard Habitat Workshop - Common Good City Farm

Last Date:

with Common Good City Farm at LeDroit Park

The District Department of the Environment and Audubon-at-Home are offering this backyard habitat workshops in partnership with Common Good City Farm at their farm in LeDroit Park.

This workshops will include instruction on gardening with native plants, how to attract pollinators and beneficial insects, and using edible native plants in your yard or garden.  Participants will be planting a garden with these qualities at each workshop.  Attendees will receive a book (Bringing Nature Home by Douglas Tallamy) a native plant guide, a birdhouse kit, a gardening tool set, and live plants. 

The workshop is free and open to all District residents. To register, send an email to [email protected] with “Common Good City Farm Workshop” in the subject line and the names of the attendees in the body of the email.  Directions and other instructions will be sent to all registrants a few days before each workshop.