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World Environment Day Host Committee

Pedro Alfonso                                  
President, Dynamic Concept Incorporated

Kathy Arnold                                     
Former Secretary of the City, DC              

Kaitlin Barry-Thurman                    |
Director of Public Outreach, United Nations Foundation

Allen Burriss                                      
Host Committee Chair / CEO, Earth’s Natural Force

Dennis Chestnut                             
Executive Director, Groundwork Anacostia River D.C.

Sharon Cooke                                  
Chief, Office of Community Relations, District Department of the Environment

Steve Cooke                                     
President / CEO, Sun Newspapers

Courtland Cox                                  
President, CCAT Consulting

Anastasia Dellaccio                         
Senior Associate, United Nations Foundation

Ron Docksai                                       
Vice President for Federal Government Relations, Bayer Corporation

Elisabeth Guilbaud-Cox                
Officer-in-Charge, United Nations Environment Programme
Regional Office for North America (RONA)

Rebecca Lucore                                               
Executive Director, Bayer Foundation

John McCarthy                                 
President, Homerun Baseball

Judi Quach                                         
Project Manager, Alliance to Save Energy

Maria Rodriguez                              
President, Vanguard Communications

Barney Shapiro                                                
President, Tenleytown Trash

Deanna Troust                                 
Vice President, Vanguard Communications

Sterling Tucker                                 
Former Chairman, DC City Council

Daria Winter                                      
Professor, Howard University